BVEF'S ORIGINAL MISSION was, and continues to be, ensuring access to quality healthcare in Borrego Springs. Although it is a small, rural community, Borrego Springs is also the gateway community for the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park. Thus, medical resources must be capable of serving not only Borrego's residents, but also the Park's 1 million + visitors per year.
How to Apply The BVEF invests in those endeavors intended to create benefits on a community-wide or regional scale.

For nearly a decade, BVEF has contracted to provide air evacuation services for permanent and seasonal valley residents. BVEF contracts with Mercy Air to cover deductibles and co-insurance of Borregans for emergency medical air transportation.
In addition to supporting the region's only medical clinic, the BVEF supports well-being initiatives to improve child nutrition, seniors' access to food and medical care, and programs that help the entire community thrive.